the elders




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 ;; vague assouplie chahute doucement le berceau liquide. sous l'expiration du zéphyr, rive s'étend et sourit par l'ombre de ses forêts. car depuis l'antre frais, les écumes se dégueulent sur sa lisière et font échouer candeur sur l'enfer.
soudain au coucher, claquent ô voiles nébuleuses. les cieux couvent de mille pleurs ses enfants resquilleurs; les marins sont engloutis dans les tumultes sans âmes, celles vomies des abysses. tonnent les voix coléreuses, tapissant le ciel de l'emprunte jupitérienne. d'autres encore clament comme cabots, l'ire fantastique. rincés de lames, fraters se jettent ainsi aux voiles et guidons de bois, pour que vaisseau se retienne de piquer sa fin aux portes noires de leur au delà...
origine v.1 btt; 15.02.21, v.2 btm; 30.09.23 // design v.7 thème; eden's chain // réservé à un public mature et averti (-16) [ mention tw ]
thème piraterie-fantasy, post-apo. sombre en l'ère nouvelle // créatures sanguinaires mêlées aux forbans belliqueux et au corps marinier.
wall of glory

rising star

nouvelle ère

most valuable player

news -- beyond the myths; étendards hissés, un nouveau vent se lève sur la communauté!
museum of sinners
— won't you come save me, from these red hands and black deeds —
Le Deal du moment :
Pokémon EV06 : où acheter le Bundle Lot ...
Voir le deal

Deimos Ackerman
Deimos Ackerman
~ c e r b e r u s ~
faceclaim & © : jensen ackles + @swann (vava)
"i don't know if i w a n t you.", he said.
"but i do know i don't want anyone else to have you."

nature : furie
# Mar 23 Avr 2024 - 20:27

to; fallon
__________ ((@fallon chernobog))
02:01; so, in which case justice has to prevail friendship and the story of loyal services ? you have four hours.
02:02; and yes, i am reestablishing our amazing conversations.
02:02; also, glad to have you back

-- and it wasn't my choice to love you
but it was mine to leave. --

i don't think the moon ever meant to be a satellite,
kept in loving orbite, locked in hopeless inertia,
destined to repeat the same pattern over and over.
Deimos Ackerman
Fallon Chernobog
Fallon Chernobog
—   s t o r m y   b l a c k   s e a s   —
faceclaim & © : k. winnick; corvidae


when you move
you make my oceans
move too

nature : humaine mal-née devient furie(use) damnée; sort atroce l'en fait alors buveuse de cruor.
saisons : cavalcade file à belle allure, mais beauté jamais ne se fade; car chronos ne donne aux os que l'usure d'exister.
myocarde : avant-coeur aux mille saveurs; pourtant n'aime que terreur qu'elle sème, à en oublier les liés d'un autre temps.
besogne : reine paladine au plastron océan, cruelle dame est chasseresse des mauvaises âmes; a sévit sur mille vies déjà — jamais assouvie.
errance : à souveraineté de l'ondine (a)dorée; comme à sainteté de la terre militaire.
# Mar 23 Avr 2024 - 20:43

to; lt. ackerman
__________ (( @deimos ackerman ))
02:05; loyalty + past = treason
02:06; answered in four minutes.

-- fallon & deimos 5jtb
in your sword
still beats a heart
Fallon Chernobog
Deimos Ackerman
Deimos Ackerman
~ c e r b e r u s ~
faceclaim & © : jensen ackles + @swann (vava)
"i don't know if i w a n t you.", he said.
"but i do know i don't want anyone else to have you."

nature : furie
# Mar 23 Avr 2024 - 22:35

to; fallon
__________ ((@fallon chernobog))
02:06; well, direct to the point, as always. damn, i missed you !
02:07; i am sure you are not the same as before, but at least, some things never change.
02:09; should i ask for harder ? where does the power of justice come from ? and how would you make the traitors aware of that power ?
02:09; (see ? we can still make that a four hours test) !

-- and it wasn't my choice to love you
but it was mine to leave. --

i don't think the moon ever meant to be a satellite,
kept in loving orbite, locked in hopeless inertia,
destined to repeat the same pattern over and over.
Deimos Ackerman
Fallon Chernobog
Fallon Chernobog
—   s t o r m y   b l a c k   s e a s   —
faceclaim & © : k. winnick; corvidae


when you move
you make my oceans
move too

nature : humaine mal-née devient furie(use) damnée; sort atroce l'en fait alors buveuse de cruor.
saisons : cavalcade file à belle allure, mais beauté jamais ne se fade; car chronos ne donne aux os que l'usure d'exister.
myocarde : avant-coeur aux mille saveurs; pourtant n'aime que terreur qu'elle sème, à en oublier les liés d'un autre temps.
besogne : reine paladine au plastron océan, cruelle dame est chasseresse des mauvaises âmes; a sévit sur mille vies déjà — jamais assouvie.
errance : à souveraineté de l'ondine (a)dorée; comme à sainteté de la terre militaire.
# Mer 24 Avr 2024 - 0:10

to; lt. ackerman
__________ (( @deimos ackerman ))
02:12; of course you missed me
02:13; justice comes from vengeance, and vengeance comes from the self. so we are and we have to be the power, what else?

-- fallon & deimos 5jtb
in your sword
still beats a heart
Fallon Chernobog
Deimos Ackerman
Deimos Ackerman
~ c e r b e r u s ~
faceclaim & © : jensen ackles + @swann (vava)
"i don't know if i w a n t you.", he said.
"but i do know i don't want anyone else to have you."

nature : furie
# Mer 24 Avr 2024 - 3:32

to; fallon
__________ ((@fallon chernobog))
02:15; that's the spirit ! you know i love that about you.
02:16; i really like your answer, to be honest. vengeance is justice, like justice is vengeance.
02:16; however, that makes me ask... what is the ideal here ? a land of justice should be ideal, right ? but if justice is vengeance, that means a world of vengeance is ideal ?

-- and it wasn't my choice to love you
but it was mine to leave. --

i don't think the moon ever meant to be a satellite,
kept in loving orbite, locked in hopeless inertia,
destined to repeat the same pattern over and over.
Deimos Ackerman
Fallon Chernobog
Fallon Chernobog
—   s t o r m y   b l a c k   s e a s   —
faceclaim & © : k. winnick; corvidae


when you move
you make my oceans
move too

nature : humaine mal-née devient furie(use) damnée; sort atroce l'en fait alors buveuse de cruor.
saisons : cavalcade file à belle allure, mais beauté jamais ne se fade; car chronos ne donne aux os que l'usure d'exister.
myocarde : avant-coeur aux mille saveurs; pourtant n'aime que terreur qu'elle sème, à en oublier les liés d'un autre temps.
besogne : reine paladine au plastron océan, cruelle dame est chasseresse des mauvaises âmes; a sévit sur mille vies déjà — jamais assouvie.
errance : à souveraineté de l'ondine (a)dorée; comme à sainteté de la terre militaire.
# Mer 24 Avr 2024 - 10:05

to; lt. ackerman
__________ (( @deimos ackerman ))
02:18; nah vengeance is for one what justice is for all.
02:19; don’t you see the point of justice, deimos?

-- fallon & deimos 5jtb
in your sword
still beats a heart
Fallon Chernobog
Deimos Ackerman
Deimos Ackerman
~ c e r b e r u s ~
faceclaim & © : jensen ackles + @swann (vava)
"i don't know if i w a n t you.", he said.
"but i do know i don't want anyone else to have you."

nature : furie
# Jeu 25 Avr 2024 - 15:59

to; fallon
__________ ((@fallon chernobog))
02:15; interesting point. then would you say it is the vengeance that creates justice, or justice that creates vengeance. what is justice beyond the fact that we avenge the unfair ?
02:16; oh, i do. i really do. but i have my own version of justice. a land driven by its light shall never falls, and without it, chaos reigns.
02:16; i mostly wanted to know what you would answer, as i believe these questions make us think twice about it.

-- and it wasn't my choice to love you
but it was mine to leave. --

i don't think the moon ever meant to be a satellite,
kept in loving orbite, locked in hopeless inertia,
destined to repeat the same pattern over and over.
Deimos Ackerman
Fallon Chernobog
Fallon Chernobog
—   s t o r m y   b l a c k   s e a s   —
faceclaim & © : k. winnick; corvidae


when you move
you make my oceans
move too

nature : humaine mal-née devient furie(use) damnée; sort atroce l'en fait alors buveuse de cruor.
saisons : cavalcade file à belle allure, mais beauté jamais ne se fade; car chronos ne donne aux os que l'usure d'exister.
myocarde : avant-coeur aux mille saveurs; pourtant n'aime que terreur qu'elle sème, à en oublier les liés d'un autre temps.
besogne : reine paladine au plastron océan, cruelle dame est chasseresse des mauvaises âmes; a sévit sur mille vies déjà — jamais assouvie.
errance : à souveraineté de l'ondine (a)dorée; comme à sainteté de la terre militaire.
# Jeu 25 Avr 2024 - 16:19

to; lt. ackerman
__________ (( @deimos ackerman ))
02:22; what i really mean is that the individual desire for vengeance is the starting point of justice for the greater good, and justifies its necessity. individual morality is never right; therefore, justice cannot be right. but that’s not primarily what it's supposed to deliver; what we expect from it is to create a law for all people that enables governing the country firmly. if we were to listen to everyone's morality, it would indeed be chaos. the law imposes order, and through order, we can establish true power in the long run. this is what an institution with a respected law represents : reinforced longevity.
02:24; do you know why? in the end, all we ever wanted is to be immortal. one way or another. we refuse to completely die. therefore, justice is life. anarchy is death.
02:24; but tell me, why do you ask such questions now?

-- fallon & deimos 5jtb
in your sword
still beats a heart
Fallon Chernobog
Deimos Ackerman
Deimos Ackerman
~ c e r b e r u s ~
faceclaim & © : jensen ackles + @swann (vava)
"i don't know if i w a n t you.", he said.
"but i do know i don't want anyone else to have you."

nature : furie
# Sam 27 Avr 2024 - 20:00

to; fallon
__________ ((@fallon chernobog))
02:29; that's a way to see it, and i can agree with most of it. vengeance being the starting point, it is obvious that its desire created the law and order, so that we would be able to eradicate chaos. however, how can justice not be right ? even if it cannot be as perfect as we want it to be, even if the laws can always be questionned at some point, even if order seems, sometimes, to be overwhelming, i believe justice is right. but then, i guess, we shall ask ourselves... what is right ? what is wrong ? how can we decide what's right and wrong ? and how a justice that cannot be right can prosper when humanity desires the greater good ?
02:30; that's a good way too see it, though. and you are right. through justice, we shall never die.
02:32; because you're human, now. you always were, yet, you've known what it is to be touched by the curse. i find it interesting to ask you these questions, as you have a more nuanced way to see justice, now.
02:32; besides, i missed our night-time conversations. didn't you ?

-- and it wasn't my choice to love you
but it was mine to leave. --

i don't think the moon ever meant to be a satellite,
kept in loving orbite, locked in hopeless inertia,
destined to repeat the same pattern over and over.
Deimos Ackerman
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